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Mentor Program

Female Developers

The program is a student-based model, which matches an incoming first year student with an upperclassman that shares similar interests. We attempt match people based on their personal interests, life experiences, and any other factors you wish to consider for your matching process. Mentors will be a short text away to help you throughout your first year of school. While our mentor program is entirely optional, your mentor can offer helpful advice that is specific to our school, classes, and the Knoxville area. If you would be interested in signing up for a mentor or have any questions about our program, please do not hesitate to ask.

Carson Kovalic Head Peer Mentor

If you are interested in having a Mentor for the upcoming school semester, please click "Mentee Interest Application" box below.

This page is maintained by the LMU Law Student Bar Association ("LMU SBA").

LMU SBA is comprised of 15 students at the LMU School of Law in Knoxville, Tennessee, who are elected by the student body of the School of Law. LMU SBA hosts events, facilitates the design and purchase of LMU Law-branded merchandise, liases between students and faculty/administration, oversees other student organizations, and represents student concerns to the University and School of Law.

To suggest changes, please email Spencer Powell, the LMU SBA President, at

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